Brand storyteller / Creative Director with a little Detroit grit

Badass Beer

“If it looks good, you’ll see it. If it sounds good, you’ll hear it. If it’s marketed right, you’ll buy it. But...if it’s’ll feel it.”

— Kid Rock

That, was the motivation for creating a rock-n-roll beer from the ground up. Sure, this was fun, but when you stand in front of the “Devil without a Cause”, you better deliver. And deliver we did. All of the branding, logo, packaging and label design, merchandise and advertising was determined to be middle finger and not middle of the road. It’s not often you get invited to be a part of something from the very beginning and then help it grow into something beloved by many.

Additional Credit: Curt Catallo

Here’s a sampling of the work we did for a beer bottled with lots of attitude:

Product Design + Marketing
